COVID-19: No Delays for this Small, Home-based Seed Business!

COVID-19 concerns 🕷️

Since Delectation of Tomatoes is a one-person operation anyhow, there should be no delays or adjustments because of this pandemic, unless the United States Postal Service shuts down, which is highly unlikely. So if anything, I will be able to get your seed order sent out even more promptly, as so many meetings and other such temptations/distractions have been cancelled.

In inventory are enough seeds, especially tomato seeds, to supply many thousands of small farmers and backyard gardeners. I do so little marketing that only a tiny fraction of the seeds I save are shared with other growers each year.

This seems like a good time to reconsider what you can do for yourself, your family, and your neighbors to help improve your self-reliance. No need for fear-mongering, but there is the possibility of some interruptions in the supply chain of food. Grow your own to stay healthy and independent!

Grow plenty of extra food to share with your neighbors who may not have the space or resources to grow their own.  Stored wheat, dry beans and rice are fine.  But a wide variety of fresh garden veggies will help people stay healthy – especially if what you grow is so tasty, so interesting and so nutritious that people can hardly resist eating well and eating right!

And no, I am NOT going to make any claims that tomatoes are a cure for this novel coronavirus!  But wouldn’t that be awesome…

Light stand is finally set up, which can hold twenty 1020 trays, next to a south-facing window –

I just finished planting three 128-cell plug trays of seeds early tomato varieties for sharing with other growers in the local area.  I am quite interested to see which of these will perform well at this elevation of 6,200′ (1,900 m) where the growing season is fewer than 90 days in some years.

Note that this list of 54 varieties does not include cherry tomato types, although a few of them are rather small saladette types.  Producing larger-fruited ripe tomatoes within 60 days is priority for many gardeners who live where the growing season is short.  A few seedlings of each of these varieties should be available for gardeners in this area by May 1st.

Alaska Fancy
Amazon Chocolate
Andy Buckflat’s Wonder
Beaver Lodge
Black Sea Man
Bloody Butcher
Brazilian Beauty
Bulgarian Rose
Cherokee Carbon
Early Chatham
Early Girl
Fourth of July (OP, DT’s PL strain)
Goluboy Les
Gregori’s Altai
Grub’s Mystery Green
June Pink
Krainiy Sever
Lime Green Salad
Malina Treston
Moravsky Div
Mormon World’s Earliest
Mountain Magic
Orange Bourgoin
Purple Not Strawberry
Rosalie’s Early Orange
Sasha’s Altai
Sibirskiy Skorospelyi
Silvery Fir Tree
Slava Moldovoy
Sub-Arctic Maxi
Sub-Arctic Plenty
Swisher Sweet
Ultra Skorospelyi
Uralskiy Ranniy

I am taking custom orders for seedlings for the next couple of weeks – see details on the main website here:

DT Seedlings 2020

Make it a great growing season and hope this microscopic grim reaper does the passover thing for you and your loved ones!