New HQ 4 DT

New Headquarters established for Delectation of Tomatoes in Delta, Utah

361 S 300 W Apt 15
Delta, UT 84624
United States of America

This is a tiny 1-room rental and is the first time in a year that I have unpacked my suitcase!

Entire seed inventory of Delectation of Tomatoes is now reasonably accessible without having to stack and unstack boxes constantly:

The tables are packed with boxes of seeds underneath as well. These take up the entire living room, and I have set up light stands to grow seedlings in 288-cell plug trays in the tiny bedroom.

The business still owns not a square inch of land, and for the seventh year running, I will be growing on property that belongs to others.  Hint:  please tell your gardening friends that there is a viable alternative to the big box stores for seeds – with nearly 3,000 varieties in inventory!

Or anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to preserve heirloom seeds from around the world – any kind of support would be much appreciated, as this monumental effort merits institutional backing…

This year, much of my growing efforts will be on Fumarole Farm (tentative name), located near:

39.614566, -112.721611

Steam from Baker Hot Springs is visible on the other side of the fence.  More about this project another day.

I attempted to grow several plants of Striped Holland pepper (aka Enjoya Pepper) indoors.  Not a lot of luck – huge aphid problem, as usual, and being in transition has made growing indoors especially challenging.  But here’s what they produced:

These are very tasty and quite sweet peppers, but they had only a few seeds and are not striped as I was hoping (see pictures from a couple of blog posts ago).  I did read that this variety is grown on grafted plants.  Maybe it’s a hybrid?  I need to do more research.

I had much better luck with growing Red Robin indoors – a micro-dwarf tomato variety with tiny red, fruits:

Picture above is of a Red Robin seedling started indoors in December, 2016;
while that below is of the delicious fruits, weighing an average of 7.7 grams,
from which parent seeds were extracted on 9-06-2016.

These seeds yielded 100% germination rate (12/12 seeds).  All 12 seedlings are doing well and have fruits or flowers.  For the most part, I have grown them under a metal halide 400-watt bulb.

Planting seeds by the hundreds tomorrow – let the new growing season begin!!